The Trustee of the Onward Pension Plan is Dalriada Trustees Limited, which is a Professional Trustee company. Further information about Dalriada can be found here:

The Trustees meet regularly throughout the year and receive specialist advice as required. This includes advice from investment managers, auditors, solicitors and actuaries. Details of the Trustees and their advisers are given in the Annual Report and Accounts. A copy of the Annual Report and Accounts may be held in the Resources section of this website. If not, then you can obtain a copy from the Plan Administrators via the details in the Contact us page of this website. 

The Onward Pension Plan was established in 2022 and received a bulk transfer from the Social Housing Pension Scheme (SHPS) in 2023.

The Plan applies to former members of the SHPS who had accrued benefit entitlements whilst employed by Onward Group (or a related employer).

The Plan is closed to accrual. Some members employed by Onward retain a link to final pensionable salary in their benefit calculation. Onward employees are members of a Defined Contribution scheme run by Aviva. This scheme can be used to further build pension benefits. More information about the Aviva Scheme can be found at: .